Posbrook Pics: Blog https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog en-us (C) Posbrook Pics (Posbrook Pics) Tue, 12 Sep 2023 13:03:00 GMT Tue, 12 Sep 2023 13:03:00 GMT https://www.posbrookpics.uk/img/s/v-12/u799427358-o374323775-50.jpg Posbrook Pics: Blog https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog 86 120 Nude Photographer https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2020/7/nude-photographer Coming Soon - This exciting new eBook - Contact me for your Free Launch Promotion Copy

(Posbrook Pics) eBook free nude https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2020/7/nude-photographer Sat, 11 Jul 2020 08:39:41 GMT
Lewis Hamilton, 6th Win at Silvestone https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2019/7/lewis-hamilton-4th-world-championship-title Lewis Hamilton on Pole in Spa 2013Lewis Hamilton on Pole in Spa 2013 Congratulations Lewis - 6th win at Silverstone

(Posbrook Pics) f1 lewis hamilton Silverstone world championship https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2019/7/lewis-hamilton-4th-world-championship-title Sun, 14 Jul 2019 16:04:00 GMT
Beltain 2019 https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2019/5/beltain-2019 My images from the 2019 Beltain celebrations at Butser Ancient Farm. If you would like images please email me and let me know which ones you want. Please let me know if you are happy for your image to be used by Butser Ancient Farm in their future publicity material.

(Posbrook Pics) Betain Butser Ancient Farm The Wicker Man https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2019/5/beltain-2019 Mon, 06 May 2019 19:02:56 GMT
Scottish Island Cruise https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2018/6/scottish-island-cruise PuffinPuffin

Pictures from our Scottish Islands trip are now available at: http://www.posbrookpics.uk/f780065100

(Posbrook Pics) puffin scottish islands serenissima https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2018/6/scottish-island-cruise Mon, 18 Jun 2018 09:14:18 GMT
Scotish Adventure https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2017/3/scotish-adventure Red Grouse, LochindorbRed Grouse, Lochindorb

(Posbrook Pics) Red Deer crested tit mountain hare red grouse https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2017/3/scotish-adventure Wed, 08 Mar 2017 11:04:59 GMT
Waxwings in Hampshire https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2017/2/waxwings-in-hampshire

(Posbrook Pics) https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2017/2/waxwings-in-hampshire Mon, 13 Feb 2017 17:49:57 GMT
Abstract Expressionism https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2016/12/abstract-expressionism A new way of looking at landscape. This gallery details Sunrise and Sunset on 14th December 2016 Sunset on 14 December 2016

(Posbrook Pics) Astrid McGechan landscape sunrise sunset https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2016/12/abstract-expressionism Thu, 15 Dec 2016 10:45:25 GMT
Snow Bunting at Southsea https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2016/11/snow-bunting-at-southsea Rare Snow Bunting at Southsea all the way from Iceland.

(Posbrook Pics) Portsmouth Snow Bunting Southsea https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2016/11/snow-bunting-at-southsea Wed, 16 Nov 2016 12:51:29 GMT
Red Kite at Gigrin Farm https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2016/10/red-kite-at-gigrin-farm Just added another pic

(Posbrook Pics) Gigrin Farm Red Kite raptor https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2016/10/red-kite-at-gigrin-farm Wed, 12 Oct 2016 15:14:43 GMT
Red Kites at Gigrin Farm https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2016/9/red-kites-at-gigrin-farm

(Posbrook Pics) https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2016/9/red-kites-at-gigrin-farm Tue, 27 Sep 2016 20:18:29 GMT
Ben Ainsley, top of the America's Cup score board. https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2016/7/ben-ainsley-top-of-the-americas-cup-score-board BAR wins the second raceBAR wins the second race First of three wins over the weekend at Portsmouth, which put Ben Ainsley Racing (BAR) to the top of the series score board.

(Posbrook Pics) America BAR Team Ben Ainsley Cup' Portsmouth Solent s https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2016/7/ben-ainsley-top-of-the-americas-cup-score-board Mon, 25 Jul 2016 10:14:58 GMT
Alice in Wonderland https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2016/5/alice-in-wonderland Check out Titchfield Festival Theatre's new production of Alice in Wonderland. Opens 11th May through to 21st May at St Margaret's Lane.  Alice

(Posbrook Pics) https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2016/5/alice-in-wonderland Wed, 11 May 2016 14:06:55 GMT
Nightingales at Pulborough Brooks https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2016/4/nightingales-at-pulborough-brooks Visit to the excellent Pulborough Brooks yesterday to see the Nightingales and very pleased with performing characters.


(Posbrook Pics) https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2016/4/nightingales-at-pulborough-brooks Thu, 28 Apr 2016 09:29:05 GMT
Jay https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2016/2/jay Pleased with my Jay today. JayJay

(Posbrook Pics) Titchfield Haven https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2016/2/jay Thu, 11 Feb 2016 17:31:58 GMT
Our Country's Good https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2016/2/our-countrys-good

Our Country's Good is now playing at Titchfield Festival Theatre. 

'One man believed that drama would have a humanising effect on convicts. One man thought that directing a play would bring him promotion. The year, 1789; the venue, the new colony on the other side of the world.  A play was performed by convicts to celebrate the Kings birthday’

(Posbrook Pics) Good' Our Country Titchfield Festival Theatre s https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2016/2/our-countrys-good Wed, 10 Feb 2016 13:38:04 GMT
More cutesy Long Tails https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2016/2/more-cutesy-long-tails Breakfast following the success with 'Breakfast' more cutesy Long Tails added.

(Posbrook Pics) Blashford Long Tailed Tit https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2016/2/more-cutesy-long-tails Thu, 04 Feb 2016 10:31:29 GMT
Yellowhammer https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2016/1/yellowhammer I have been wanting to catch some Yellowhammers as I haven't seen one since childhood. I love the 'little bit of bread and no cheese' song that they have though they weren't singing yesterday at Ashley Warren.  Bizarrely enough a Lark ascended and sang happily!

(Posbrook Pics) Ashley Warren yellowhammer https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2016/1/yellowhammer Sun, 17 Jan 2016 16:02:18 GMT
Lady in the Van https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/11/lady-in-the-van If you haven't got to Titchfield Festival Theatre's 'Lady in the Van' yet you have only to Saturday. Excellent, don't miss it.

(Posbrook Pics) Lady in the Van Titchfield Festival Theatre https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/11/lady-in-the-van Wed, 25 Nov 2015 16:46:26 GMT
Congratulations Lewis https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/10/congratulations-lewis I'm reposting my Lewis picture to mark his excellent victory yesterday in Austin, Texas, and him taking his third world title. This was him winning pole in Spa 2013 Lewis Hamilton on Pole in Spa 2013Lewis Hamilton on Pole in Spa 2013

(Posbrook Pics) f1 lewis hamilton world champion https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/10/congratulations-lewis Mon, 26 Oct 2015 12:27:15 GMT
Richmond Park - better results than Twickers! https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/10/richmond-park---better-results-than-twickers Great action in this year's rut with Fallow and Red deer Also swans' martial display. Its all under Living World /Richmond 2015.


(Posbrook Pics) Fallow Red deer" Richmond Park deer' rut swans https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/10/richmond-park---better-results-than-twickers Tue, 20 Oct 2015 07:49:44 GMT
Beardies https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/10/beardies More Beardies at Titchfield Haven

(Posbrook Pics) Titchfield Haven https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/10/beardies Thu, 08 Oct 2015 19:12:56 GMT
Dartford Warbler Ikebana style https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/10/dartford-warbler-ikebana-style My first Dartford Warbler so I thought Ikebana style!

(Posbrook Pics) Dartford Warbler https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/10/dartford-warbler-ikebana-style Sat, 03 Oct 2015 14:14:58 GMT
Battle of Britain 75th anniversary https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/9/battle-of-britain-75th-anniversary

(Posbrook Pics) https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/9/battle-of-britain-75th-anniversary Thu, 17 Sep 2015 17:00:16 GMT
Young spoonbill incurs heron's wrath https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/9/young-spoonbill-incurs-herons-wrath Chased by HeronChased by Heron

(Posbrook Pics) Titchfield Haven spoonbill https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/9/young-spoonbill-incurs-herons-wrath Fri, 11 Sep 2015 09:36:41 GMT
Osprey at Titchfield Haven https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/8/osprey-at-titchfield-haven Titchfield Haven OspreyTitchfield Haven Osprey

(Posbrook Pics) Titchfield Haven osprey https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/8/osprey-at-titchfield-haven Fri, 28 Aug 2015 14:34:37 GMT
Wednesday Racing at Portchester Sailing Club https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/8/wednesday-racing-at-portchester-sailing-club Alex and Matt epic battle Wimped out of sailing because of the wind strength so took the pictures of the Big Boys.

(Posbrook Pics) Portchester Sailing Club Portsmouth Harbour Solo Class dinghy racing https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/8/wednesday-racing-at-portchester-sailing-club Thu, 27 Aug 2015 18:53:27 GMT
Wickham Festival https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/8/wickham-festival Kathryn Tickell and the SideKathryn Tickell and the Side

(Posbrook Pics) Kathlyn Tickell Wicham Festival https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/8/wickham-festival Mon, 10 Aug 2015 18:54:09 GMT
Royal Yacht Squadron Bicentenary https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/7/royal-yacht-squadron-bicentenary J Class Ranger passes Ryde church Out this morning for the Royal Yacht Squadron Bicentenary round the island race. This is Lionheart, one of three J's out today.

(Posbrook Pics) Bicentenary J Class Royal Yacht Squadron https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/7/royal-yacht-squadron-bicentenary Wed, 29 Jul 2015 14:10:50 GMT
Greater Yellow Legs https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/7/greater-yellow-legs Meet our American cousin who has taken up residence at Titchfield Haven. This is the first GYL's in Hampshire and sadly he's not likely to get back to his mates across the Atlantic. Greater Yellow LegsGreater Yellow Legs

(Posbrook Pics) https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/7/greater-yellow-legs Mon, 20 Jul 2015 16:07:49 GMT
Puffins Galore https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/7/puffins-galore Check out my holiday snaps from Flamborough Head, Farne Islands and Lakenheath Fen. Just can't get enough of the Puffins! Farne IslandsFarne Islands

(Posbrook Pics) Puffins https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/7/puffins-galore Mon, 13 Jul 2015 16:31:26 GMT
Avocet Chicks https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/6/avocet-chicks Early summer at Titchfield Haven and there are Avocet chicks of different sizes. The parents are very protective and will have a go at anything!

(Posbrook Pics) Titchfield Haven avocet waders https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/6/avocet-chicks Wed, 24 Jun 2015 21:42:56 GMT
Bugatti at Angouleme https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/6/bugatti-at-angouleme Chuffed today because my picture won 1st Print last night at LHSCC. A bit of a surprise because my prints for the evening hadn't arrived back from the printers and I bashed this one out and hoped the judge wouldn't see the tramlines from my printer at home. However he was extremely enlightened and far-sighted.

Bugatti at AngoulemeBugatti at AngoulemeScored 10 and 1st 01/06/15

(Posbrook Pics) Circuit des Remparts angouleme bugatti https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/6/bugatti-at-angouleme Tue, 02 Jun 2015 09:59:13 GMT
Hampshire Country Fair, Netley marsh https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/5/hampshire-country-fair-netley-marsh Horse Boarding A great day at the Country Fair. Enjoyed a new sport of Horse Boarding and Tinker got a 3rd Prize in the show!

(Posbrook Pics) Country Sport Equestrian dog show lurcher https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/5/hampshire-country-fair-netley-marsh Wed, 06 May 2015 09:58:58 GMT
Wimbrels in Portsmouth Harbour https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/4/wimbrels-in-portsmouth-harbour I was excited to find half a dozen wimbrels at the top of Portsmouth Harbour, just round from the Castle. I had not seen one before and thanks to the cyclist who helped me with this. WimbrelWimbrel

(Posbrook Pics) Portsmouth Harbour wader wimbrel https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/4/wimbrels-in-portsmouth-harbour Thu, 23 Apr 2015 11:35:44 GMT
Becca at Southampton Art Gallery https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/3/becca-at-southampton-art-gallery

In celebration of daughter Becca's picture in Southampton Art Gallery

(Posbrook Pics) REG Rebecca Galbraith https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/3/becca-at-southampton-art-gallery Sun, 01 Mar 2015 15:42:51 GMT
Tinka https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/2/tinka New pictures of Tinka the dog. Showing herself to be a leggy blond!

(Posbrook Pics) Stubbington Arc dog pet rescue dog sight hound https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/2/tinka Fri, 13 Feb 2015 12:58:55 GMT
Rare Titchfield Spoonbills sighted https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/2/rare-titchfield-spoonbills-sighted

(Posbrook Pics) Titchfield Haven https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/2/rare-titchfield-spoonbills-sighted Wed, 11 Feb 2015 16:45:47 GMT
Ben Ainslie Racing https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/2/ben-ainslie-racing Ben Ainslie Racing, training session off Cowes, first pictures! Ben Ainslie RacingBen Ainslie RacingTraining off Cowes

(Posbrook Pics) Americas Cup BAR Ben Ainsley Ben Ainsley Racing Cowes https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/2/ben-ainslie-racing Wed, 11 Feb 2015 16:39:03 GMT
Rage against youth https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/1/rage-against-youth ... but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now ...  Bob Dylan

(Posbrook Pics) mirror reflection selfie https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/1/rage-against-youth Tue, 27 Jan 2015 09:03:39 GMT
Red Kite Day https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/1/red-kite-day Great day out in Newbury, Red Kites galore! Thanks Linda. One picture of lots.

(Posbrook Pics) Red Kite bird of prey https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/1/red-kite-day Sat, 24 Jan 2015 22:39:04 GMT
Marsh Harrier at Titchfield Haven https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/1/marsh-harrier-at-titchfield-haven Yesterday I was pleased to witness a female Marsh Harrier at Titchfield Haven. They are regular winter visitors but have not shown any inclination to breed here.

(Posbrook Pics) Marsh Harrier Titchfield Haven https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/1/marsh-harrier-at-titchfield-haven Fri, 23 Jan 2015 11:23:49 GMT
Say Goodbye Hoegh Osaka https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/1/say-goodbye-hoegh-osaka Hoegh Osaka - I think you are really going this time.


Hoegh OsakaHoegh Osaka

(Posbrook Pics) Hoegh Osaka https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/1/say-goodbye-hoegh-osaka Thu, 22 Jan 2015 23:34:14 GMT
Hoegh Osaka https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/1/hoegh-osaka Goodbye Hoegh Osaka! Only here for a short time but I think I am going to miss you. Hoegh OsakaHoegh Osaka

(Posbrook Pics) Hoegh Osaka bramble bank stranded ship https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2015/1/hoegh-osaka Wed, 07 Jan 2015 19:33:23 GMT
Hillhead Race https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2014/12/hillhead-race Fine fellows on the water on a cold day

(Posbrook Pics) Club Hillhead Sailing dinghy race sailing https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2014/12/hillhead-race Sun, 21 Dec 2014 11:37:30 GMT
Congratulations Lewis - Sports Personality of the Year 2014 https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2014/12/congratulations-lewis---sports-personality-of-the-year-2014 Lewis Hamilton on Pole in Spa 2013Lewis Hamilton on Pole in Spa 2013 Congratulations Lewis - you earned it.

(Posbrook Pics) Lewis Hamilton https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2014/12/congratulations-lewis---sports-personality-of-the-year-2014 Sun, 14 Dec 2014 22:35:53 GMT
Still down with Man Flu https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2014/12/still-down-with-man-flu Ephesus Cat I'm beginning to get cabin fever as I have tried to stay in for over a week now, and it is beginning to tell! Still trying to use the time to good purpose by uploading more theatrical pictures including London Wall and Titchfield Spirit. I have also also sorted out some Greece holiday shots and added these. 

(Posbrook Pics) https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2014/12/still-down-with-man-flu Tue, 09 Dec 2014 17:40:47 GMT
New Name - Posbrook Pics https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2014/12/new-name---posbrook-pics I'm confined to barracks because of a touch of man-flu, so I have updated my site and given it a new name - Posbrook Pics

(Posbrook Pics) https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2014/12/new-name---posbrook-pics Wed, 03 Dec 2014 18:05:46 GMT
Congratulations to Lewis on his 2nd World Championship https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2014/11/congratulations-to-lewis-on-his-2nd-world-championship Lewis Hamilton on Pole in Spa 2013Lewis Hamilton on Pole in Spa 2013 My hero Lewis has done it again. To mark the occasion I have featured my picture of him taking pole in Spa 2013. Sadly he was mugged in the race by Vettel out of Eau Rouge on the 1st lap, but fortunes have changed this year and he has a chance to show his metal. Well done Lewis, I'm glad I wore the t shirt today.

(Posbrook Pics) Lewis Hamilton Pole in Spa 2013 https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2014/11/congratulations-to-lewis-on-his-2nd-world-championship Sun, 23 Nov 2014 19:19:15 GMT
Garden Birds https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2014/11/garden-birds Long Tailed Tit in the RainLong Tailed Tit in the Rain Couldn't go to the New Forest today but spent some time with the birds in the garden. A family of Long Tailed Tits looked great against the autumn colours. It would have been good with more light but then the sun came out. Lovely

(Posbrook Pics) Garden Birds long tailed tit https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2014/11/garden-birds Tue, 18 Nov 2014 11:31:51 GMT
Lady Macbeth https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2014/11/lady-macbeth Thanks to Amy for her wonderful portrayal of the ambitious lady. Amy played the 'Lady' in the excellent 2014 Shakespeare Season at the Great Barn, Titchfield where these pictures were taken. The Great Barn has been converted for Shakespearian plays by Titchfield Festival Theatre and is also a popular wedding venue. It is believed to have been built by Henry V for his Agincourt campaign of 1415.



(Posbrook Pics) Lady Macbeth The Great Barn Titchfield Festival Theatre https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2014/11/lady-macbeth Thu, 23 Oct 2014 15:15:00 GMT
Richmond Red Rutt https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2014/11/richmond-red-rutt Repelling InterlopersRepelling Interlopers Great day out in Richmond Park and thanks to Linda for setting it up. I have never done this before and it was an excellent time watching the competing stags win or loose the females' favours. I now know where to be in October!

(Posbrook Pics) Red Deer Richmond Park rut https://www.posbrookpics.uk/blog/2014/11/richmond-red-rutt Sun, 19 Oct 2014 15:15:00 GMT